I don t care

I was born in a wind of fight,
I am to burn the fire light,
But i just wanna keep my soul
Far away from this role.

I was hoped to change the mind,
To spread the wings shed its rind,
But I just hoped to set free
Not everyone, but only me.

I don't care,
I wanna dare
This pesky heir
Of fierce mare.

I don't care,
My rock does blare
And those thar err
Now only blare.

I was thought to blind the fake,
It is the aught I did make,
But I resolved - "To heck with this!",
Heeding that all, life'll be missed.

I was asked many times,
But I gave back only the rhymes,
So one day they gave up on me
And I exclaimed with my soul free!

