72 Names Of God

The meditation with the sacred medicine tonight took me to the question, “what is the name of God” that is represented not through religion in any culture but by its essence symbolically, as symbols are Universal not words interpretations of a symbol.
Memory produced the ancient Hebrew teaching that God has 72 names and that only Chief Priest/Rabbi is allowed to pronounce it at certain time.
“So what is the central name of God?” asked I of the Sacred Medicine or the Guardian Angel, as I call that force, which leads me at those times.
The answers begin coming through the spacious music I was listening to.  Not even images but that which stands before an image was entering me.
And that state when I just know instantly that which something is conveying me without words is like magic: the Higher Reality of Existence, which dwindles any life’s problems and inspires not to sway from the path chosen, regardless of any circumstances.
The answers have been very simple and precise.
The Priests of the ancient civilizations, regardless of their name and history, all did the same thing: searched for knowledge of the divine but once anything substantial has been acquired hid the knowledge from the public and anyone outside their clan.
And not just to protect from the power that knowledge may have been carrying but for their, own power.
To be the needed link between people or kings and the divine.
The Guardian or the state I am in (and begin to experiment to write during, not after) was teaching me that True Priest by his soul, not an imposter would not hinder people but would lead them to the divine through freedom and non-dependence.
As he is dedicating more efforts to the Divine than the rest of people, he would, still, be needed as an enlightened guide and has no need to fear, being obsolete. But he fears because he is not a True Priest.
Not inclination of the soul to the Divine but to the power which the sacred chants-vibrations of the name draws that liturgy.
“So what is the True, Sacred Name of God?” asked I.
Two answers came: LOVE and LIGHT!
Everything made perfect sense,
In order for the movement to be, leading to creation, division must take place.
ONE cannot move in nothingness. Something must exist and there must be interaction. That involves TWO.
ONE must divide into TWO, and then a movement can occur in one to the relationship to the other.
Even mathematically, we can see that 1 can do absolutely nothing without a 2. Only then we can add, subtract, multiply, divide.
ONE alone can’t do that. It needs a reference point, a second being, that second something, which can allow creation, movement, interaction.
Any progress any movement can only happen when, at least, two forces interact.
As one cannot pull himself by his, own hair, ONE cannot move or create without TWO.
ONE is perfect balance, perfect stillness. In perfect balance nothing can move.
So life, creation must lose that perfect symmetry and in misbalance, in the constant interaction of two, opposite forces, to move, create, strangely enough, still, seeking that balance, which in its perfection would mean STILNESS, perfect balance, and void of evolution.
So the two answers of the Sacred Name of God or the Main Principle of the Universe, showed me why two.
They showed me the force behind Evolution and Progress. The ONE and TWO!
Love and Light, Light and Love, depending on the direction ONE and TWO are viewed was silently spoken by the Force I call my Guardian.
Hebrew language is not just a language in the sense that it is build not like other languages.
Not one language is better or worse but they serve different purpose, as nothing is coincidental in any language or how it is formed.
Hebrew is structured on the sacred principle of representing constellations of that time symbolically. So the structure of the sky, of its stars, the energy fields and rules that form the constellations and was ruling them was geometrically, via sacred geometry, represented in Hebrew letters.   
Symbolically they represent the power of the celestial realm, the Higher frequencies among which our Earth travels in space-time, feeling its, every impact.
The Guardian further showed me that LOVE is that which GIVES, as TAKING is not it.
Not knowing Hebrew but, by looking online how the Hebrew word LOVE structured, I found out, reading it for the 1st time tonight, that “Love in Hebrew is "Ahava" ,   which is made up of three basic Hebrew letters,  . These three letters actually are broken down into two parts: a two letter base or root,  and the first letter,  which is a modifier. The meaning of the two letter base  is "to give". The letter "aleph” , which precedes these two letters comes to modify the meaning of the base word, "give". The meaning of , is "I give" and also "love".”
So, the Guardian through the sacred medicine showed me first, that, which I found online after, which is LOVE is literally rooted, at least, in Hebrew into the GIVING.
The liturgy in order not to lose its power hid from the rest of the world that God is LOVE, LIGHT, and GIVING!
It made God into a punishing being, created concept of devil to, further, scare people into subservience and installed them as a needed link, which can appease of these forces.
If people learned that God is LOVE, LIGHT, and GIVING and his true names by their roots or the reflection of reality are such and hear these names, they would become self-sufficient and virtually impossible to control, as freedom of the soul leads to physical freedom sooner or later.
The true names of God or the Highest Virtues of the Universe itself: LOVE, LIGHT, GIVING should be pronounced aloud as often as possible, there spirit embraced, and people should live according to them. Then, the predicted Golden Age, which is symbolic representation of Light: the golden color, would commence on Earth, instead of seeking heaven somewhere else,
