LIFE preface

They call it grandma and grandpa in spiritual circles… I call them a Queen and Guardian Angel.
That what they have become to me the spirit or the aura of the Great Teachers above.
I have decided to write down what they reveal to me during the Sacred Meditation, putting the images and symbols revealed in the words that surface to my mind.
When I learn how, I would put into music that which see and hear and would paint the visions, as remember them all clearly, as if, still, in front of my eyes: the grand structures of sacred geometry with shades of co0lors I have not seen on Earth and complex and perfect architectural designs of the temples, inside which my being vibrates surrounded by both: pain and glory of the new vibrations which envelop my being. A journey of life with constant search of how to learn how to ride that, magic wave and not be crushed by its power.
One day, these sharings-articles would become a book and the vision, which I had when was 5 year old boy and when asked by my father, “ whom would you like to be when grow up?” answered, “ I don’t know but know would write a book.”
“And what would be a name of that book, do you know?” asked he.
“Yes,” answered I. “It would be called – Life!”
I don’t know what would become out of my experiences of the Sacred Meditations but believe that book would be written and, whatever it may be called, it would be about Life and a search for its harmony.
