Isis Quest... The Voice

Are you there to hear?..
So far away but I still can feel
Your trembling heart with the tips of my fingers...
Curled up there near the window,
Listening to the whispering stars in the moonlit sky... 
And you could smell the air
Of bitterness, yes...
And taste the salty burn of bloody teardrops on my lips...
With your love bitter kiss...
And the fear, its dancing shadows tear me apart,
And tears... drop, drop... they crop so easily the wall
Of all my strenth with their acid blood...
My girl,
You are a ray of light,
Flowing from MY empty inside,
Disemboweled, exalted, torn...
They had paid with their souls
For the damned poison
That killed the fertility of my soil!
They sucked all my juices so greedily!
But with my nectar they burnt their veins,
They put fullmoons into their hungry eyes,
'Cause I'm the strongest drug of times
They blinded didn't recognize!
I wanna feel... if you're still... near...
You know, all that pain is a part and parcel of me,
All that HELL is a heart of mine,
That is beating now so alive,
With the fire inside
So unbearable bright!
I am a pulsar, born from an exploded star!
Only through the blackness of the night
They can find the mystery I provide!
The time has come, the time
Without the sharpness of arrows and lines,
Without distances and without lies...
NOW my collar is undone,
The head is thrown back, the light
Of redemption erupted, unbound,
Is pulsing...
Still bleeding, beating into their etheric windows,
Vibrating, impatient, undenied!
Now listen, no matter how to begin,
'Cause all above is just a dust,
A deadly pinch of cocaine
That I could make them smell!
Instead... I pray for them to feel
The healing touch of my immortal LOVE...

I am the white card in a deck of life.
They say, I have the power to kill,
They even built a bloody cult in order to fulfil
Perverted thirst of their ego.... Ah!
I close my eyes...
I wanna leave that all behind!
But... you know what?
It is forever inside!
The power that made me hide for so long...
The greatest fear of all,
Under the friendly mask of loving parent smile...
That let us out both
From its creative womb,
The distant fragile flesh of yours
And my regenerated  bloom!
The deepest wisdom comes with the accepted pain.
You shudder there hiding on the windowpane
And choking down the tears,
You're still so weak to overcome
But strong enough for not to show to someone...
And let them punish you -
You aren't a pattern as they want,
The spiral breath of death is still alive inside,
And as a serpent
Squeezes you with every inhale into circles,
It blocked your voice with seven heavy locks. 
Confining you to silence...
But if you ever really want to talk,
Explore the darkness of your butchers' souls...

YOU are the one who should resolve the quest
And open doors, behind of that your wisdom rests...
I am your voice, but only whispering to ear,
I am the key inside of your heart.
Waiting here... still near...
Now make a step that holding us apart!
The VOICE will gain its power to wake
The whole world UP!

Естественный английский, без всяких усилий, звучит как будто родной. Может так оно и есть?)))
Стих льется натурально, без усилий. Содержание оригинальное. Поэтические способности тоже есть. Не мне судить, но, по-моему, у Вас талант. Печатаетесь?
Завидую белой завистью)))

Виктор Хадсон   31.03.2014 01:29     Заявить о нарушении
Виктор) Благодарю... очень приятно получить такой отзыв! Я певица, и пишу песни в основном на английском. А также стихи, иногда) Готовлю небольшой поэтический сборник на русском... Английский язык неродной, но мне очень нравится)

Алеф Элайа   31.03.2014 02:04   Заявить о нарушении
Я люблю музыку. Может быть, в другой жизни я бы был музыкантом. Подолжайте писать в том же ключе. У Ваших стихов "натуральная постановка голоса".
Желаю дальнейших успехов,

Виктор Хадсон   31.03.2014 02:35   Заявить о нарушении
музыка спасает мир!)
еще раз благодарю, Виктор

Алеф Элайа   31.03.2014 16:04   Заявить о нарушении