По въпроса дали съществува Време - 21. 11. 2012

Коментар към публикация в електронно издание "Мега Вселена" на тема: "Времето не съществува във Вселената".


Евгени Алексиев
21 Ноември 2012 в 13:45
Тази идея я развивам и разработвам от няколко години вече. За първи път съм я маркирал в коментари в така наречения Стивън Хокинг Форум (http://www.psyclops.com/hawking/forum/)
преди няколко години през ноември 2009 г. впоследствие  доразвивана в публикации в профила ми във Фейсбук, а в настоящия период – различни работни и доразвивани текстове, в процес на разработване, в профила ми в http://www.stihi.ru. Форумът Стивън Хокинг не е пряко свързан с него и в него се поместват доста обиди и спам, поради което прекъснах влизането си там. Не изхождам от постановката, че разстоянието на Планк и съответно времето на Планк са най-малките величини. Не знам от кога за започнали цитираните по-горе изследвания на учените от съответния център в Словения. Проблемът, според мен, е свързан с наличието на хипотетична структура на пространството, която ние не сме в състояние нито да възприемем, нито да идентифицираме с уреди, за сега. В тази проблематика има множество въпросителни и положения, които изискват чисто логическо и умозрително решение. Проблемът едва ли би могъл да бъде разрешен със сегашните ни възможности, вероятно никога няма да бъде изяснено и доказано от човечеството. Както се вижда, математическият апарат се нагажда и към класическата физика и към квантовата механика, макар че двете направления не са обединени в обща теория. Това поставя под въпрос същността на математическия апарат като средство, инструмент сам по себе си за извличане на истината за реалността. Математическият апарат се разработва, за да обоснове определени идеи, въпросът е доколко с него може да се извлече истината за реалността.
Отговор  Коментарът е задържан за одобрение от модератор.

Евгени Алексиев
22 Януари 2013 в 18:22
Предлагам, по възможност редакцията на “Мега Вселена” да постави линк към публикациите и текстовете с концепциите на учените от Научноизследователския център „Бистра” в гр. Птуй, Словения -Амрит Сорли, Давид Фискалети, и Душан Клинар в сп. Physics Essays, защото би било интересно да се види по-конкретно в какво точно се изразяват и кое е новото – с техен език.

Текстът на публикацията ми от 7 ноември 2009 г. в сайта

81801 - Evgeni Alexiev / TIME-SPACE 

Posted by Evgeni Alexiev on November 07, 2009 at 04:22:36

The idea of time (or flow of time) is only a mental construction and impression of the thinking human being. There is only e present "instant", but we are thinking too "slowly" to be able to have the perception of this “present instant”.

No matter what exactly means the ultimate "instant", the perception in itself could be only a result of a process and this means that it could be formed only in the frame of more than one "instant".

Where (or what) is the reason, or “the moving code”, for the existence, for the presence, for the action of the different main forces in the Universe? Where these codes are imprinted (how and at what level of the Universe) and how they are acting?... Or the different forces which act in our Universe and which result in the visible and unvisible Universe and all its forms and meccanisms (particles or strings, or fields etc.) are existing in itself without a code-maccanism? This seems less probable.

If time “stops” then every movement or transformation should stop. No way for any change to (in) an other state.
Somebody says in the singularity there is no time. Or… Before the Big Bang the Universe had no space and no time. No space-time. The relativity of time-space. According to the idea that in the Universe there is not a Universal time and space, time-space is relative.
If the time stops in the Singularity no transformation or change would be possible “in the frame”, within this Singularity. If transformation could be possible then the idea of “time stops” becomes senseless. What kind of transformation without time? Remains the possibility of time existing outside this “frame of singularity” in some kind of Super-universe, at some other or higher level. In this sense, time stops within the Singularity but does not in the Super-universe…

The idea of the “present instant” replaced by an other “present instant”, which fact and process our mind perceives and calls “time” is based on the understanding about "the complex of all around universal simultaneous ultimate basic vibrations (movements) (constituting further the processes and forms and movements at highers levels and ultimately at our macro level in our visible Universe) in some “ultimate basic instant" – in some "quantum-instant" (probably such “quantum” exists).
Our perception of time is the continuity of transformation – every actual “present instant" transforms in an other “present instant" – the result of the acting forces in the Universe.

The question is: where is the code for the forces, how and where this code is imprinted.
It is not important here for me if there are different kind of basic particles, or different kind of vibration of strings (or may be everything at basic level is only energy, waves, vibrations, fields.) In both occasions different kind of forces must predetermine the different manifestations – the kind or state of particle, or of string vibration (or even resulting space- structure)... Where are coming these forces from? Where and how the cause for the manifestation of these different forces is imprinted and coded. Who or what process has brought to their existence and action?

If there is a time dimension, it the space has no "structure" and the space dimensions constitute with the time dimension a space-time continuum, if there are no "quanta of time" and time is flowing in some kind of transition…

In my understanding it seems more probable that there is no time dimension, there is a transition from one state in the next state, there is a "structure/tissue" of space.

Some scientists are now in search of the Zero Point Energy - the energy in the vacuum.

The space itself has a structure. There is no time dimension. There are "quanta of vibration/movement/change of state”; their complex in simultaneity constitutes the “basic present instant” in our Universe. "Quantum of time" - in the "basic present instant").

In the simultaneous complexity or in the complex simultaneity the Universe is transforming from one state in the next state, which is again only our “basic present instant”.

We are not able to perceive it. We can only constitute the general ideas about time, present, past and future. Our mind and our thinking is not able to have the perseption for the present instant. Our thinking and perception is created as a result of a proces in the frame of many such "basic instants" (quanta of time). Thats why we have the perception of time and all our thinking is based on such perception - flowing of time, history, future, information in our mind about past events, intentions about future events, expectations etc.

State of vibrations/movements within the space-structure – interaction of vibrations/movement/speed with the space-structure cause the effects of the Relativity observed in the Universe. Different speed of movement within the space-structure: – different interaction of the object with the space-structure: – different effects over the state of vibration of its constituting particles: – different effects in comparison to the “basic present instant” (and the “quantum” of the transformation of the Universe in its complexity and simultaneity) which we perceive as the relativity of time-space.

Effects of the space-structure over every movement of matter and over moving matter itself.

Space-structure invisible for us and our measurments.
May be the human beings are in principle not in state to understand the real nature of universe.

The "basic step" to the next "basic instant" (quantum of time, or "quantum of change") - this ultimate "step" of vibration – constituting every movement at higher level, or the movement itself seen in its ultimate basic “step” - depends on the space-structure itself - on the “lines”, the “tissue”, the “construction”, the “form” and essense of space. The effects which we perceive as time (the effects of the relativity) are following product.

The Universe could be more interesting if time dimension exists, if this dimension could be explored in every direction, if movement in past or future wes possible. But this seems highly improbable. Time seem to be only a mental construction.

22.01.2013 г.
