Not Alone

When you decide your life's the way you want it,
You are the master, no one else can deal
With ghosts that make the passtime evil, haunted –
You realize it's time for the reveal.

It's hard to be in charge of such behemoth
With everything that's happened, now and then,
You'll think at first, but as it slowly clears,
It will become apparent one can learn.

If things you do don't bring you satisfaction
Alone let joy and wish to come again,
Expel the doubts with formidable action –
Doubling the strength might be the perfect plan.

Don't stop until it's over, strive for better
Clenching your teeth pull out all the stops.
Beneath stigmatic burn of scarlet letter
No space is left for lies and empty hopes.

It comes full circle when you find the reason
For all those weird looks behind your back.
Regardless of the day, the year, the season
The ones who gossip won't stop in their track.

When you dismiss them with a wave of hand,
Discard like useless garbage taking space.
Then you will find that one proverbial land
They may call Heaven is in fact, a place.

Not a location one can pin on map, though
Or a celestial that's light years away –
It's rather something lucid, like a rainbow,
The light that glows inside, as some may say.

But son, you're not the only one who's in it –
To think so would be dreadfully unjust.
Alas, so many talk while few have truly seen it
And many Pride has left in wretched past.

That light, you see, it emanates from others.
See those around you? Eyes don't lie, it's in.
Not many will proclame themeselves your brothers.
It means your light ignited theirs within.

They are your treasure, son, but they're your deadly curse.
Bold brazen saviors without any mercy.
They'll cover you for better and for worse,
They'll die for you because they find you worthy.

For them your thoughts on it won't even matter
Their minds'd been made up long, long time ago.
Whatever you may say is empty chatter –
"Complains are pointless, time don't wait, let's go!"

So hold on them as long as strength allows it.
They are your guides among the living dead
Who roam confined in cells of egos, blinded
And when the sun comes up, don't turn their head.

But those who are long gone are also with us.
Wherever road may take you, all will meet.
And once all clocks stop ticking and befree us,
The journey will be over, quest complete.

21 Feb 2012
