Bitterly cold

translation of V. Kuzmin's Siberian frosts/перевод песни В. Кузьмина "Сибирские морозы"

I am not asking fate to bring you back to me
because that happiness comes just once in a lifetime
I am adrift in fire river and it means
my paper sailor can be shining brighter

I wake up in a cold sweat feeling pain inside,
I keep on thinking of your hugs before you’re leaving,
Last word of love, your last attempt to swallow pride
Your tender image melts away i cant believe it

I know i’ll never be able to forget
Your love, your sorrow, smile and tears my precious woman
Behind my window wires groan makes me regret
And train is rushing me to land so cold and gloomy

[here solo]

My wine is over, light has gone, but home’s not mine
This life and family is someone else’s story
Sin that I’ve lost you is inside me till I die
I’ve put my heart to cage of visionary glory

I wish you all the best, and I will take the rue
The world of ice for me and memories like fever
It is too late my wishes never will come true,
I’ll flow together with the crowd in sorrow river


[here solo]
