Grace Kelly

November 12th – Grace Kelly’s birthday.  In 2012 there is 83 years since she was born.

Hollywood actress Grace Kelly, Oscar winner and Princess Grace…
In everything she did in life, she had succeeded with hope and faith.
Kelly was loving, soft, compassionate, determined, warm and caring,
Resilient, intelligent, devoted, open minded, persevere, kind, daring.

Grace’s acting career flourished fast, she gained her stardom, fame.
For her performance, she earned an Oscar and international acclaim.
Grace carried herself with dignity, integrity, style and right attitude.
She always cared for people expressing genuineness, love, gratitude.

Kelly exuded beauty, charm, tranquility, enchantment, light, modesty.
She always knew she would succeed with hard work, effort, honesty.
Kelly was confident about her dreams, abilities, skills, talents, goals.
She had moved forward, not fearing life’s possible challenges or falls.

November 12th – birthday of Princess of Monaco, actress Grace Kelly.
She is remembered by people in America, Monaco and worldwide daily.
Grace Kelly is a true example of goodness, love, kindness and humility.
Her spirit still embraces us spreading throughout the Universe’s infinity.

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo from the Internet
