Баллада истин наизнанку - по пер. Н. Стрижевской Ф

The ballad of thruths inside out
on russian translation of Fransoi Vignon (fr.) by N.Strizhevskaya

There's no sweetier meal than an orach,
There's no friend, sencerier than a flatterer,
There's no happiness without woe,
There's no worser coward than a brave man,
There's no honestier knight than a merchant,
There's no plum, juicier than a green one,
There's no husband, faithfuller than a widower,
There's no wiser men, than loving.

There's no ardentier frendship, than an enmity, 


There's no poorer hut than a palace,
There's no luxury pompouser, than a need,
There's no good man generouser, than a stingy man.

Людмила 31   14.10.2012 06:51     Заявить о нарушении