Cancel Tomorrows

Hey, what`s up? I asked leaning against the doorpost.
No answer so I continued.
Let`s not promise. Let`s cancel tomorrows and hours of waiting.
Let`s close our eyes. What do you hear? Oh, right, no answer, remember.
I hear the sound of ocean. Oceans. And at the bottom. Bottoms, there is a huge transatlantic INTERNET cable, long as a gigantic ancient lizard tail. I hear the sound how it moves making great white sperm whales swim away.
No, it was in twenty century. Now it`s an age of air technologies, right?
So open your eyes and look at the air. What do you see?
Obviously, the sky. Grey or blue – doesn`t matter. Anything else? I see no birds. They can`t fly through this field, through the INTERNET field. It`s dispersed in the air, nothing to breathe but the useless information. I can`t stop coughing from this bullshit, I even had to quit smoking.
It`s raining on my new orange coat. I open my blue birds umbrella, I peer into the darkness. My friend invites me to have a dinner with him and his friend who is going to invite me to his friend`s party where there will be a lot of my old friends who will introduce me to my new friends. Why are all these people so annoying why do they always look at watch as if they have reasons to be in rush?
Cancel tomorrows. Shoot the cat.  I was vomiting promises. I was fed up by waiting. I come closer to open window to fill my lungs with INTERNET poison dispersed in the air. Did Joyce miss his father? Did Ginsberg love his mother? Why am I allergic to?

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