Virtual fellow

Wearing leather jacket
Using Google Chrome
He’s forgotten reality
But still wants to save the world

Eating mummy’s cookery
Posting something smart
He is keen on Wiki
But he haven’t love in his heart

He is a virtual fellow
Without a real life
He doesn’t think about making family
He’ll never have a wife

Surfing the Net endlessly
Playing smarty games
He will get no money
But virtual fame.
He will be respectable
But completely alone
Million messages on Facebook
And no one to call by phone


In the end of his life
He’ll feel sorry and sad
Because he won’t have any friends
And anything to save
With a couple of money
And without dreams
He will be completely unhappy
And will steel looking at the screen…

He’ll be a virtual oldman
Without a real life
He’ll feel sorry about no family
He’ll better cut himself with a knife…
