исламская весна Обамы в действии

С каким зверством расправились с Каддафи в Ливии(своим же единоверцем, создавшем из
враждующих племён единую и благополучную страну- другое дело, что бандит, взорвавший над
Англией пассажирский лайнер)- Вы уже видели.
Но, как говорится- ни одно "доброе" дело не должно остаться безнаказанным- смотрите, что
делают звери со своими благодетелеми

По- переписке

Это картина, которую Вы не будете видеть в СМИ Обамы. Нашего американского Посла в Ливии, волокли  по улицам ,прежде чем  убить. Вот наш американский посол, Дж. Кристофер Стивенс, дипломат, отец, муж и американский Гражданин, которого волокут по улицам Бенгази, и Ваш президент НИЧЕГО не делает!... кроме как поехать  в Лас Вегас для сбора  средств для своего переизбрания.Для Большинства  американцев это - объявление  нам войны. Нашему президенту это - просто другой акт офисного насилия как Форт-Худ. Он и Секретарь государства уже принесли извинения и скоро пошлют им еще $6.3 миллиардов в иностранной помощи. Нет слов ,чтобы  описать гнусное поведение нашего правительства!! После такого  поступка,наш президент и секунды не должен находится в Белом доме и его вонючая секретарь , "хиляри"!
From: derek hogarth <saffraanweg38@msn.com>

Subject: FW: U.S. Ambassador Stephens Body Dragged Through Street

This is awful. God Love and care for him in Heaven and I hope those god damn rag heads did'nt make him suffer long and he is safe in our saviour's arms now. So much for the bleatings from muslims who try and bloody tell us they are a peaceful people...like bloody effing hell they are. There is'nt much we can do when we have a piss poor excuse for a President who is as bad as most of them are and as long as he is in office he will keep feeding their hate and sending them OUR money...let Obama send those rag heads the money he gets from his Hollywood friends and George Soros etc along with the money he and his free wheeling , white hating wife spends on jewels, designer clothes and trips for her and all her friends on Air Force One that
We the People bought for our head of state to travel in...not his wife and her hangers on. The only thing I can do is cast my vote for Mitt Romany and encourage everyone I know and then some, to do the same. When you go into the voting booth on election day  visualize this photo of our ambassador being dragged through the streets by savages in a savage country before being brutally murdered. What will it take for the majority of Americans to stand shoulder to shoulder once again as we have done so many times before...although before we had an American born president who loved this country as we do. The Obamas have no love or liking for America or it's people and will never stand up for this country against his muslim brothers and it's time to push him out of office. The guy is a crook with crooked friends...remember the open mike to Putin recently when he was recorded saying to Putin " I'll have more flexibility once the election thing is over." What was all that about...A golf game? I think not.\
I have been angry at Obama before but never so much as now after seeing our Ambassador being dragged through the streets of a foreign country. by a mob of dirt bags whose asses Obama will kiss and give money to when asked by his Arab bosses.
