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View of the city from рекиКоординаты: 1 degrees 32;23; S. sh. 110 OC 21;15; century. e. / 1.539722 degrees C. W. 110.354167 degrees C. d. (G) (O)
Show the geographical карту1.539722, 110.354167


Northern city southern city

- A Northern town
- Southern city
Abdul Hamid B. Mohd Yusuf
Chan Sen High
- The area (city) 4559,55 km2
- City (2000)

458 300
Belt zone: UTC+8
Latitude Of 1? C 33' N
Longitude 110 Degrees 25' E

Kuching (Cat's city : малайск. Kuching) - a city in East Malaysia, on the island of Borneo, the capital of the province of Sarawak. Population (about half a million inhabitants) consists of the Malays, даяков, the Chinese people of different origin and Indian peoples.

The climate is soft, tropical, the average annual precipitation is 4000 mm. The wet period of the monsoon lasts from November to February. The average temperature is 23 degrees C in the morning and rises to 32 degrees C in the afternoon throughout the year.

Kuching is one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities of South-East Asia. The city stretches on both banks of the Sarawak, North and South of the city are connected with each other only two bridges.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Attractions
3 notes
4 References

[edit] History
The composition of the cats. Photo 2009 года200 years ago Sarawak was part of the Sultanate of Brunei. For his contribution to the suppression of the uprising of the Sultan gave a small territory in the management of James Бруку, English adventurer who turned Kuching in the capital of his Kingdom white Rajahs. Dynasty Brooke rules Сараваком until the end of the Second world war, when the third and the last Raja sir Charles Weiner Brooke handed Sarawak the British crown.

In the middle of the 1960s was an undeclared war of Britain and the British Commonwealth against Indonesia Sukarno, Indonesians tried to connect Sarawak to its territory. In 1963 Sarawak has gained independence and joined the Malaysian Federation together with Sabah and Singapore.

The origin of the name of the city Kuching is not clear. Traditionally it is considered that Kuching - Cat's city, although most likely the name is taken from the Indian «Cochin» (port) or from the plants of «cat's eye» (Bravo kucing).

Everywhere in the city are the sculptures of cats, and in the city there is also the Museum of Cats.

Presentation in the preparation of the Delphic games in Кучинге External images
The second Delphic games in Кучинге, September 1-7, 2005
The competition of sculptures in the Park «Kayu Batu Sarawak»

From 1 to 7 September 2005 in Кучинге passed the Second Delphic games [1] under the motto «the Revival of endangered traditions.»

In the address of the Games received the official greetings from the UNESCO [2], patronage they provided the Prime Minister of Sarawak Th. A. B. Pehin Sri Dr. Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud. Daily reports on the progress of the Delphic games with the inclusion of photographs and interviews published the newspaper «The Borneo Post» and «Sarawak Tribune».

[edit] ДостопримечательностиКучинг connected with the activities of Alfred Wallace, the scientist, whose writings on research orangutan inspired Charles Darwin, and in Sarawak Museum there is an exhibition devoted to Darwin.

In the city there are a lot of museums, of which the best known are:

Museum Of Sarawak
Chinese Museum
The Museum Of Cats
The Museum Of Islam
Textile Museum
Also of interest are:

Astana (former Palace of the Rajah)
Fort Margarita
The Taoist temple Tua peck Kong
The Central Bazaar
Numerous statues of cats in different parts of the city
Long picturesque promenade along the embankment of the river, illuminated by the evening colored fountains with music and lighting, make the town very festive and cozy.

Chinese quarter, the Street of the craftsmen and the Indian street preserved since the times of the Raj and from colonial times.

In and around the city a lot of beautiful parks.
