Girl with a rainbow

We use to touch things that are bared.
Prefer to feel, than think instead.
We burn our fingers in a flame.
We walk with tears in the rain…

Girl with a rainbow throws me a glance
Girl with a rainbow- give me one chance
Girl with a rainbow- don’t hide that far.
Girl with a rainbow- say who you are.

A magic sound of four letters
Explains that world is getting better
I jump to dive in your sweet kiss
But face the ground, ‘cause I miss…

Girl with a rainbow is playing a game
Girl with a rainbow- appears again
Girl with a rainbow- enchants me each time.
Girl with a rainbow- you are the prime.

The steel is twisting behind her back
If you don’t disturb her-she’ll never attack
The sky falls down, the earth goes round,
My little baby- don’t scream too loud…

Girl with a rainbow is just a child
Girl with a rainbow makes me so mild
Girl with a rainbow, I beg you for smile
Girl with a rainbow, please, stop for a while…

