A game

Tell me what`s going on? I feel like a fool, 
Like a doll in your hands, taking part in a game.. 
Why I couldn`t presume that you are so cruel? 
But it`s no object now, there is no one to blame.   

I am asking the heaven: for ever or never? 
You have almost won, you`ve reached the level. 
You had a chance to revel, now we suffer from pain. 
I wanted to save us, but all efforts were in vain. 
All the words that were said, all the truth that was kept - 
I was honest with you, wishing not to forget 
Happy time spent together. Can`t believe it`s the end!
You will leave me again, there`s no sense to pretend.

One more time making sure it shouldn`t be like this. 
I believed you still need me, but you just wanna release. 
You dragged me to a game, without rules and rights 
My soul belongs to you, my heart begins to ignite.   

Everybody was right: we were acting too fast, 
Our favourite songs remind about broken past, 
We were badly mistaken, didn`t wanna be awaken, 
All my friends said: he`s neither the first nor the last. 
I begged them to shut up, they new how deep I love, 
And were sure you`ll never do this kind of stuff, 
Now I`m not able to control the situation,   
It`s so hard to calm down, to appease the passion.

And the world is crashing down, we`re so miserable,
Who`s the last to stand this, who`s gonna fall?
Let`s get out of the game, it is time to, I know.
We`re marged into one, do you feel all the harm? 2x 

Maybe our love should be experienced,
Our feelings and thoughts should have a time-test.
Nothing happens without any reason,
We injured each other, now feel like in a prison.
There`s no way back, no time to regret,
Just admit and move on, carefully step by step.
What did you feel when we kissed, what were expecting of this?
I was there by your side, you don`t care but I miss..

You say you need some freedom, but still don`t let me go,
I feel so empty, broken, though I`m not gonna show.
Don`t want you to see, but I`m tired of being strong.
I am exhausted of love, I have been used  for too long...
