The hit of great love

Вот прорыв великого мастера,
когда миллионы вели себя как засони
в этой роковой погоне
свои счастье и мечты предавая.
Попробуй и ты отыскать во сне
самую большую империю,
а после маленький город в нем,
а в городе том улицу,ограду
и дом и окно,
за которою живет твоя любовь
так тщательно спрятанная
от тебя пространством и временем?

The hit of master
It"s really hit of greatest Master,
when millions others  run as a dreamwaster...
Could you find in dream
where deployed the largest empire
and then a town in its area
and a street in the town
and a home and a window
of the room where grown and wait you
you love
so carefully hidden by  times and distances
yours dearest one  - yours love indispensable
the perfect one created for you and one else.
This hero did it – find the love and save her
from sharp talons of forlornness.

I slould not to do that
to find and save my personal love
that would white me all her life in vain
somewhere, maybe, in south latitudes...
As a million other persons around the world
no prepare for great honor and  attribute
I can not to find, calculate and win my real passion.
But Jolchuby did it,
te found his authentic girl - not as we were all
the millions romeos of loss and wastes
so he is really great hero in history
who able explain, resolve  and win the loves mystery.

