Mc AleXan - What?

What to tell ? What to say ?
Only today , simply To receive
Your opinion on music, You see
That just It turns out , they Impede
You , it"s so loud , it"s so Quiet , My friend -
 It"s sad , but sound not is dead , Respect
That who despite of everything , Neglect
To another's opinion , pressing and is freeman yo ,  and is freeman yo
What"s for you the most important ?
Lots of hip-hop music The whole Fountain
Your brain , your skills , isn"t boring rain
This track will replay in your life main
Try To fly,  play, your gain may make you , Why?
Try To fly,  play, your gain may make you , Why?
Why? Why?

Listen This in track is wisdom
Please win , take , Sides of a crystal
My style - is fair must do life funny , must do life funny

Listen This in track is wisdom
Please win , take , Sides of a crystal
My style - is fair must do life funny , must do life funny
