К... , Нет, нет, не... - пер. А. С. Пушкина

by Alexander Pushkin

No, no, I dare not, might not, can not
Be such inspired crazily by love;
I'm keeping calmness strictly in interior
And quieten from fired foolish heart;
No, that's the least of love this day;
But suddenly I have a fickle dreaming,
When once a creature, young, celestial,
Crosses without  mind my vision:
Will she pass by, away?.. Why can't I take
A pleasure looking on a maiden
In state of sad voluptuosness,
Following her with eyes and bless
For joy and happiness in further life,
The light soul and unconcerned with troubles,
Everything - even happiness to guy,
Who will name her at one time a spouse...
