
One play on stage with dark
Grace of innocent mind in heart…
Behind you wings of ice…and anyone
Can’t say “your art as lost as colors for a blind”

In your gestures hides light tender
In your eyes not darkness dream
You’re not like some another…
You’re not like someone…You’re not me…

So similar but we’re so differ…
Your fingers deaden to the hurt
But heart ain’t cold… will not stop,
Child of moon… Called as Even…
You’re not mine…And not of evil…

You play on stage with darkness
On violin by exility and lightness
Candles have end their flames so fast
But your art…You broke to dust

All Fears…All deepest wounds
In chains your tears…so cruel
Your eyes but it is false
You are so kind to get one loss…
You as all musicians play the life
As actor do your smile in eyes
In oblivion’s moment of eternity
To remember what you have seen…

You play on stage with heartless
On violin by heart and soul…
Tender artless in their gist
The Shadow rounded you…And
You play on stage with darkness
Grace of innocent mind in heart…
Candles have end their flames so fast
But your art…You broke to dust

For you………
