I don t remember the day when Im fell!!

I don't remember the day when I'm fell!!
I don't understand what I'm felt at that day!!
Fuck you every one!!
I'm alone and I'm the one!!!
Alone in my life!!
Alone in my own world!!
Lonely like a wolf!!
I'm created my own world inside me...
I'm becoming insane!!!
Maybe death it's a gift!!
Maybe life it's a dream!!
Here is nothing left to lose....
Maybe life isn't for everyone like just a dream to death!?!??
Are only for me ?!?!?!
I know that I'm not weak!
But every week I think about suicide....
There and here is no one who can stop me!!
And to be by my side!!!
I want blade to slide over my throat!!
To stop my life!
To stop my breath!!
To stop my heart beating!!!
I never thought that will be so hurt to my heart!!
I won't to be rich!
I just want to touch the sky!!
Never cry again about the all pain in my heart!!
Never stop to fight!!
Never stop to bearth!!
Never let my life to be wrong!
All the pains make a rains of my tears!
It's so hard to stay on right way!
SoOoOoOo hard to stay strong!
When you know that you right here, right now are alone!!
When you know that you become weak!!
When you know that what is not killing us make us stronger!
When you know that no one can help you, if you can't help to yourself!!!
Don't try to help me!!!
You don't know me!!
You may hate me!!!
You are ain't me!!!
Not even part of me!!!
Not even part of my life!!!
I don't remember the day when I'm fell!!
I don't understand what I'm felt at that day!!
