You are to cool to even care, so why should I?

There are always two ways
from which I can choose:
be regretful all days
or have nothing to lose.

And I know that to date
I'm still picking regrets.
And the longer I wait, 
The worse everything gets.

And what's awful, disgusting,
In all this I make
Is that I keep repeating
The same goddamn mistake.

Either I don't know myself,
Or I don't know the others,
That's the problem I have,
And it constantly bothers.

I am asking my mind
All the time that is free:
"Why am I a mankind,
Why am I not a tree?"

Tree does not care for leaves.
Loosing 'em all – it doesn't regret.
Mother nature's principle lives – 
At spring there're new ones to get.

And I'm asking myself once again
Why should I keep all of you close?
You provide me only with hatred and pain
And around I see only passionate foes.

So I ask you just once and for only one thing:
Take your ultimate chance and be gone – forever.
I'm not worthy your time and your poisonous sting.
And I promise to hate you and remember you never.
