Hello, native!

In a youth we have happened with you.
But attitudes were played in earnest literally.
But student's years have passed suddenly.
And we have parted on the cities decently...

But years went, and I could not forget you native,
You dream me, beautiful as before such.
Your eyes will whisper to me about the main thing,
That so we like to name it nice.

But where to look for you, in fact our communication has broken.
Our love not sweet to consider it was finished.
And so it would be desirable to see your fine smile.
And to expiate that mistake which has made in a youth.

The address has replaced for a long time already so you do not live.
What for you me so strongly torment a pain of love.
And behind a window the rain once again cries, the rain cries silently
And I so would like to tell to you:"Hello, native"!
Driving from itself loneliness and blank walls away...

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