
Back to times with little safety
in the ancient Russian lands
there was siege of a small city
by a horde of Pechenegs

Starving people felt despair
and were near to give up.
Of a sudden, man appeared
bringing low spirits up

He said: "Mix the last of water
heather honey, oat starch,
cook it to the stage of jelly,
fill the well and stay and watch"

Then he called horde's warriors
for armistice quiet talk,
with no sign of little worry
treated them from pit and spoke

"Taste this source of local living,
named here as "kissel"
Our motherland is giving,
bringing it from nearest dales" 

...Tired enemies, amazed
by that "endless" food supply,
went to camping fully puzzled
raised the siege and left that night 

Nowadays we cook that jelly
with large difference in kinds
still believing deeply, truly
that kissel was kiss of life

Евгения Сотникова - "Улетай на крыльях ветра"
