On Blanchard

Zeus trampled in heaven by seeing the man
Who traveled through clouds in the sky
Why he is an earthman, and what are we then?
If earthmen do travel like I?
Jupiter said "we shan't let it be,
That mortals shall rise from the earth,
And if they do not want to agree
Their pride will lead them to death"

But Venus, a goddess so civil and kind
Obtains his grace by God Mars
Let come all the mortals that have Blanchard's mind,
For gods - it is only a farce.
He rises to glorify every mankind
And strikes with strange view our eyes,
He partened the clouds, and all what he find
Must let him his course when he flies.

Above every power of mortal he shows
What courage and genius expeared,
And with his invisible fire he goes
Through heaviest clouds from the earth.
The oceans he crosses to our surprise
No human has ever before
Invaded the countries without ship or sails,
From France to the Britanic Shore.

He often saw kingdoms and states to his feet,
And millions he left on the earth
That wondered how Blanchard could travel so feat
And track through the clouds his course
What thanks will for Blanchard for ever remain.
Why not be immortal his name?
That human can travel through clouds and obtain
More wisdom in nature and fame.

Немного переделала оригинал,чтобы ложились на музыку. стихи взяты в бортовом журнале воздухоплавателя  Бланшара. Как говорится,
 Remember why the Good Lord made your eyes
 Or don`t shade your eyes
 But plagiarise,
Кстати, кто автор оригинала, я не знаю. Не Бланшар же себе оду сочинил?

Кажется, удалось более менее прилично перевести этот ваш стих.
См. "Из Бланшара" в сб. "Майский вечер".
С приветом.

Владислав Евсеев   25.05.2012 22:13     Заявить о нарушении
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