Демон, ч. 2, III - перевод М. Ю. Лермонтова


In coolness between two hills there hided
The saint nunnery, all rounded
With rows of the plane-trees, poplars,
And sometimes, when the night was laying
Its shadow on the  surrounding gorges,
Through them, in the monastic cell,
Was seen the young sinner's icon lamp.
Around, in a shadow of the almond trees,
Where the crosses stood - the keepers
Of sad tombs, the silent guardians -
The birds sang in a friendly choir.
The fresh springs jumped with noise through rocks,
In one cold wave, there under cliff they joined
To fall in ravine, then to roll,
To run in their further way among
The thickets, bushes, and the flowers,
All with a hoarfrost in the morning covered.
