Stay With Me

Inspired by Catching Fire by Susanne Collins

Stay with me,
Cuddle me,
Save me from nightmares I dream,
Follow me
Into the woods
That have once been my home.
Now they're just
Closing in.

One step closer...
To the death.
Blood and roses
On his breath...

Better be lonely than dead?
But you kiss me and break
All the laws.
Who are these gods to decide
Who will live, who will die?
Friends or foes.

Shadows thinner...
And the same
Hungry winner
Wins the game.

Silently night crawls its way
To my heart
And my life
Fades away.
Tell him I just
Hadn't planned to survive
Just for him
To be safe.

Hold me closer!
But... instead
Bloody roses
Crown my bed.

To be continued...
