Ловля - Сара Тиздейл The Net

Сара Тиздейл

Сплетя тугие словеса,
Тебя описываю - коплю
(Закинув сеть на небеса,
Звезду ловлю).

Тебя охватываю строкой -
Зажатьем пальцев, сжатьем губ
(Нырнув, упрямою рукой
Черпаю глубь).

Sara Teasdale
The Net

I made you many and many a song,
Yet never one told all you are -
It was as though a net of words
Were flung to catch a star;

It was as though I curved my hand
And dipped sea-water eagerly,
Only to find it lost the blue
Dark splendor of the sea.
