
Even waking, I not feel this pain.
Pain, which envelops the hold,
Spreading on the swollen veins,
The same familiar and old...


Why am I still keep it inside,
Because it just not fucking right?
It breaks into pieces soul,
It is not controlled…

Pain again on me draw
Cupid’s poisoned arrow

I want to forget that night ever,
Drown her in depths of my mind,
Plunge headlong into whirlpool,
Oh, that fucking night…

Leave me alone!
Please, go away!
Fall like a stone!
I’m finding a way!


Way free from the shackles of
Shackles of madness and lostness.
Gather into a single soul
And to rise from its knees!

Memories strangled to death,
Time to turn over hourglass.
Life begins anew,
And again I wake up…
