Исповедь, IV - пер. М. Ю. Лермонтова


And how could I in bright age
Leave the high court with soul, and
To live without passions under sun
Of native land? How really could I?
You did forget, that in that curls
You can't see a grey hair, no.
You did forget, that flame in heart
You can't cool either by the prey or fast.
When there is a tempest above chasm,
And thunder is rolling over skies,
Order to waves not to set out,
Order to heart not to hear now
In stormy weather the voice of love!...
Yes, if this black attire could prevent
For the poison into heart to percolate,
Then I would have been guilty of all that;
But under my hair shirt I only man,
I'm only man, as the other one!
And you, the old chap, if you
Once have seen her, so beautiful,
So heavenly looking, even in your dream,
You should have become envious by this,
In ecstasy you should have also make a sin,
Denyng all - the law and honour,
You should have be the happiest lover
And bear for one word or gaze,
Or kindness - suffering and shame!
Одн.строч.не хв.

