На скалах чайка ночевала

Шальное солнце на закате
Сверкало тысячей огней.
Шумел порог на перекате,
Искрясь от солнечных лучей.

В волнах байдарку то качало,
То вихрем задавало крен.
На скалах чайка ночевала,
Ютясь в камнях у горных стен.

В тумане вечер, словно таял.
Резвился водяной поток.
Одна, у скал, искала взглядом,
В траве затерянный, цветок.

The crazy sun at sunset
was shone, as if a thousand lights.
Threshold roaring at the shallows,
sparks were created from the Sun.
The waves were rocked the boat,
The whirlwind was falling at rocks.
On the rocks a seagull slept
on gray mountain stones.
In the mist, all were, as if melted.
The stream rustled around stones.
Alone, among the rocks, I'd looked for
the flower, is growing near the water.
