Daily dose of life

A daily dose of caffeine,
A book in hands and nicotine
My favourite things surround me now,
I think its happiness I found. 
Yet you may argue unaware
That I do not mind, nor do I care.
The rain falls down from the sky
I look outside the world is blind.
The cars are passing by my house,
A woman hurries to the south.
Annoying shouts of youngsters there
They think they know that life’s not fair.
The teens who barely know the life,
Are cussing thinking they are bright.
Oh, blind and stupid – yes they are,
In life they will not go too far.
Old man is walking on the pavement,
His bags are heavy – it’s a statement.
And not a single person helps,
They say they’re busy in defence.
Oh life! What did you do to us?
Our souls our poor, we lost our past.
The kindness, faithfulness and care:
Where did you go? Disappeared in a flare.
Replaced by cruelty and lies.
The Mother Nature cries, cries, cries.
Yet dolls named humans do not care;
Continue: hating, hurting in despair.
Racism, sexism everywhere,
How sad that people do not care.
Yet they do want to be cared for.
What for? They don’t deserve that love.
The rain still falls down from the sky,
The life goes on or people die.
Another word, another line
It’s just a daily dose of life.
