
"Кокни" - сленг выходцев из неблагополучных районов Лондона, но имеет своё неподдельное очарование и ритмику)

Apples ‘n pears,
& april showers.
Ash & oaks,
& ave fires.
Tricky eves &
Clickety click thoughts.

Ur chalk farm
& my dilly hearte.
I’m God forbid &
For a little – mad:
When I think (that)
I’m without U…

But who get’s a fuck?
I don’t understand…
I’m just crazy…
Without U…
I’m possibly mad…
Who knows?

I don’t wanna
Be with U…
Of fourse!
‘cose U don’t love me!
U’re wrong! –
will be my reponse.

‘cose I love u too strong
‘n so want not to let
U for a second.
That’s the reason… b’cose…

I became sentimentally-phsycose.
I don’t wanna wake Ur pain
Or a lot of tears
Which falls from Ur
Two oceans fathomless…

I don’t love U…
U’re wrong!
