You are a million suns...

Life is entropy... a spiral of decline... myriads of stars flying into a vortex tube...

I feel myself being quickly dispersed throughout the world – help me...
Existence in a vacuum – I’m nowhere...
Relying on the dark...

In my love all boundaries are fluid...
The halo of your face becomes the only barrier
Help me...
To find my rebirth in the pupils of your eyes...
To be engulfed and to display my iridescence...
In my love I’m transparent... I’m sunlit...
I’m rocking back and forth with all your gods and demons...

You’re a million suns exploding my universe...
Where I’m catching your final rays to burst me into flames...
And to reveal my melting colour...

You’re a million suns exploding my universe...
Where I’m dying in your light – dissolving... and recovering...

You’re a million suns exploding my universe...
Where I’m turning galactic dust...

You’re a million suns exploding my universe...
Where I’m spinning in space filaments...

You breathe - descending and ascending vapour are in equilibrium...
You move – I’m surging and subsiding in transmission... 
