Wings fullfield my dreams

I wanna ask question:
"Where is Mother fucken love?"
Yes, this item agitate now
My blood!
But I began this way!
And I don't wanna stop!
I don't wanna
Shout about it!
I don't wanna use drug!
There was a one moment
When I had girlfriend..
But now I wanna tell-
What I understand!
Girfriend shoudn't be
On first place!
Yes,I got that!
Now I begin
My new life
Without this bitch,
Oh, it's very wonderfull!
But I can't voise it in words
And say :"Be carefull!
This so-called girlfriend
Can say :"Fuck you!
I like your money,
But I don't wanna
Love you..."
I know, homie...
Its very difficult..
When you listen
This words -
You become crazy!
And its very terrible!
But after that
You will feel yuorself good.
And after that
we will go
To party -
And it will be cool!(P.S. 1 куплет 6-го трека)

I would like to write a true review without embellishment:
there is something to read in work by this author, -
so much of the testimony, openness, astonishment, -
I'd be glad to hear the new about love, life and mother ...

Я хотел бы написать объективную рецензию без прикрас:
есть, что читать у автора, есть интересное для нас, -
столь много откровения, открытости и чувств.
Услышать рады новое про любовь и грусть...

Альберт Афлитунов   25.09.2011 20:42     Заявить о нарушении