New life

Fallen leaves in the town
Covered all of vision ground.
Many people stay at home
And some breath was be alone.

From the summer we have dream,
Dream about our team,
Team of family and friends,
Friends with whom you can go dance.

In your life it is first place,
You can see in mirror face.
You face always must to choose:
What to find and What to lose.

Your face shows me: What you want.
You can take this, but you don`t.
I don`t know it`s true or false.
In your hands I can be doll.

Autumn ends it will be cold.
Every day your get more old.
Your reaction can be cry
Some of people maybe die.

Look in mirror, in your eyes
you have place in paradise.
You must think, and you must trust
you will never be like dust.

Tell whenever always true.
Find a person, who loves you.
Hell and dark so far away.
So begin new life and day.

Да берите, только песню потом киньте)))

Игорь Решевец   26.09.2011 02:21     Заявить о нарушении
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