One of us

Night is tender, birds are blue -
Flyin' in the seventh heaven -
Wait for me, for them, for you;
Not've been caught by eye of "Canon".
So invisible but true,
So much craved but seldom comin'
They're happiness in blue;
They're dreams so softly charming.
They're angels of the Lord.
Lord is fair & all-seing.
"One of us" - we have been told
(In the better sence of meaning).
One of us He's always there,
Here & there: a bird or heaven,
Word of wisdom, word of fair,
Glass of juice or slice of melon;
Tricky glance, some pain or grief,
Stranger that becomes your fellow;
Drop of love, chanson, relief;
Girl that calls herself a Swallow.
Lives in you & lives in me:
Sad & desparate & happy;
May be silent, may be chatty,
May be limited or free.
God lives there among the people,
He directs, confuses, tests,
Makes the water steel or ripple,
Lets life spread & stop it lets.

Happy those who meet His glory
In the street or on the bus.
He's just a fellow, one of us;
He feels glad & pain & sorry.
But all-mighty that guy is:
You're depressed or you get out -
Catch the moment, don't you miss
Minute when you meet this stout!
Will you feel the greatest signs?
What you'll ask him if you get it?
Are you looser or a merit
When you look into his eyes?
