Романтики - Romantics -пер. Ю. Визбора

by Yuri Vizbor

All romantics have just one and the same road:
When they pass all over the lands and seas,
On return to their own threshold,
They drop the anchor for eternal rest and peace.

And they look to you with the unearthly eyes then,
They spend time with the neighbours in a talk,
They are listening all day to the old legends,
And they sing with the vagrants there along.

He will come by a wild country road,
And bypassing all the towns on his way
For the purpose here to reach his own threshold,
For the purpose here to live his final days.

He will stay at the boarded door awhile,
Nobody he will say even a word,
For they wouldn't believe him, neither,
For they wouldn't drop a tear on the old.

Many of us knocked about the great world,
Stirring up the souls on the way,
Many had remained their souls forever so,
That could never thus return the place again.


                Юрий Визбор

У романтиков одна дорога:
Обойдя все страны и моря,
Возвратясь, у своего порога
Отдавать навеки якоря.
И смотреть нездешними глазами,
Коротать с соседом вечера,
Слушать  леса древние преданья,
Подпевать бродяге у костра.

По глухой проселочной дороге
Он придет , минуя города,
Чтобы здесь, на стареньком пороге,
Доживать последние года.
Постоит он у забитой двери,
Никому ни слова не сказав:
Все равно рассказам не поверят,
Не поверят старческим слезам.

Много нас скиталось по чужбине,
Баламутя души на пути,
Много нас осталось там и ныне,
Не прийти им больше, не прийти.
Не смотреть нездешними глазами,
Не сидеть с соседом до утра,
И не слушать древние сказанья,
И не петь с бродягой у костра.

And we won't look around with the unearthly eyes then,
Won't have a talk with a neighbour up to morn,
Won't listen to the old legends,
Won't sing with a vagrant all night long.

