Thoughts of a Convict...

too early for anything, smiles included...
bright sunlight is sharing - discomfort...
coffee's no good... gourmet what?
aching joints pronounce day's start...

truck pulls over, behemoth on wheels...
men spill out of the trunk, work-gloves on...
cigarette smoke... even that is no good...
only work is ahead to "elevate" the mood...

5 hours into it, well...feels a "skosh" better...
5 years to go... then I'm back to the ghetto...
a "rehabilitated" man! Documents in red flags...
preventing decent employment...

"brigadier" calls for break, chow smells - near...
working field is like zen, makes the mind clear...
my shovel is the last one to hit the dirt...
so tired, lonely and lazy - I'd rather work...

behemoth pulls over, calls to the trunk!
5 hours asleep, crickets in the dark...
back to the field, tomorrow, cold morning...
grave-digger detail...we never pause mourning...

too late...for everything....cries included.......
