The History Of Angels and Demons

From the time of the creation, the powers lying beyond the human knowledge existed. The unknown ones, the ultimate ones, which were created by the God before the people. Their names are Angels and Demons.
The good ones, the Angels, decided to obey and follow the orders of the Lord and to help the people on their routes, to guide them on the road to salvation, to save them, to love them. However, one of the greatest among them, if not the greatest one, decided to disobey, because he suffered from the idea of loving stupid creations, called humans. His name is Lucifer. One third of all the stars of the Heaven, the Angels, decided to lay off theirs’ Father blessing in order to be free. They were sent away in the terrible place called Hell.
From this time, those who decided to disobey the Gods’ rules, should join them their and suffer forever. The Fallen Angels became Demons, and their beautiful nature of the Light transferred into the Dark one. During the centuries of the humanity existence, they are trying to show to the Lord the inability of people to love, their willing to have money, their greediness, their laziness. They are trying to show that people have forgotten about the Irreversibility, about the rules which the Creator gave them, that they do not deserve the Gods’ love. Their purpose was to stop being the followers, but they became the slaves of this idea. And now, looking for those who are ready to give up, they are trying to take their souls to the Hell, to torture them, to feed from their fear and pain.
