You hurt me deep and make me bleed...

You hurt me deep and make me bleed
But I still forgive you
I write letters you never read
And throw away with things I give you

As much you're far away from here
As much I want to chase you
And want to get you very near
To make you tell me only truth

And after all bad things you do
You're never feeling sorry
You never say you love me too
You leave me in my sorrow

You tell me go
I want to stay
You tell me stop
I want to play

You want me cry
But I just laugh
You joke at me
I hate this stuff

I want to forget you, but I can't
I want to stop feeling what I feel
I want to take back all the words I meant
But something makes me love you still

And everytime you hurt me deep
I feel I love you more
And every night I can't asleep
I dream it will be like it was before...
