Never mind

Be yourself whatever happens in your life,
It is a kind of a world-and-person strife,
Never mind if you are a stranger in somehow way,
Do what you wish: you may stay or go away.

Live in the rhythm of your heart’s beating strong,
As it sings to you the most beautiful song,
Go where it asks for you to come or not,
You can create your own life plot.

Never mind if you are sometimes lost,
You can be the last in the world or the first,
You can be rich with the treasure of gold
Or with wisdom gained and words told.
You are free to make your life choice,
Have a secluded being or full of joys,
You can come down and cross the bridge
Or look up and climb the mountain ridge.

You are not slave of the destiny proud,
You are master over the nature around,
You can take the right or wrong choice,
But you should always listen to your heart’s voice.
