Bombs and Prayer Cycles

What evil power
Destroys all  in it's way,
Memories of scaled disasters
Are quickly numbed away?
Humanity's  mind
Created the bomb
A Celebrated  horror
Ashes brought
To Mother's wombs...
Without thought,
Remorse or shame
The  Atomic blasts begin,
Our Navaho brothers lives
Now  a bloody foot print!
One persons madness,
One small mistake,
A hair triger reality
Is all that it takes...
Weapons of mass destruction,
The annihilation of our World,
Impotent cowardly leaders
Weild their nuclear swords...
The gift of life that exists,
The dust of shallow graves
Are vanquished...
The blessed loving light
Our ignorance 
And need to fight
Brings great suffering
To all of human sight...
Arch Angels,
Hear our cry,
Fly to the Earth
From your heavenly sky,
Touch every Soul
With Love and Peace,
Awaken our True Self,
We pray to you, please!..

Princess Tatiana Romanova 
and Steve Robertson

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