В. Цой - Мы ждем перемен. Перевод

"ANY CHANGES" by Victor Tsoy


Warmness instead
glass green we feel

instead of fire
there's smoke

out of the shedule of year
extracted the day

The hot sun red
burns up to end

And day burns down as well

The blazing city right now
disappears in shade


Your palm's in mine
my palm's in yours

that is the trivial scheme

and there's nothing out there
all is inside


Electric light
helps us to fight

the only match
has been lost

however we still have got
the blue flame of gas


We cannot boast
by wisdom of eyes

and by skillful hands' gestures

Because we just don't need that all
friends to understand


Your palm's in mine
my palm's in yours

that is the trivial scheme

and that is the only way
the circle gets closed

although we are still afraid
something to change


our hearts do demand!

our minds do demand!

in our laugh,
in our tears
and within
the dark blood of our veins

we are waiting for!
