
I've got today uneasy question
That has settled in my brain:
Do we live for a domination
Or just for some other aim?
Someone lives to have much money,
Someone needs it to survive.
Pile of money is like honey,
But it is needless when you're dying.

I've got today uneasy question...
If we do believe in God,
So, why can't we hope for resurrection
When in wars we shed our blood.
We visit church every Sunday
When we hear the tolling bell,
Where priest blesses with his prayers,
But our sins bring us to hell.

I've got today another question...
What's gonna happen soon to us?
We have to leave another generation
A happy life and go to the past.
We create just stupid things,
We are lost in mystery,
We should sow the golden seeds
And turn the page of history.

I want to know where we're going,
I want to know what we're living for.
We are lost between false truth and true lie...
What will remain after us when it's time to die?..
