Have I Missed Something?

Most of us are living with a constant feeling that they miss something, that the real thing is happening somewhere else and to someone else, in some other time, in some other dimension. Nostalgia to the past, hope for better future and stories about some messiah that will appear one day and save us, are part of that phenomenon.
It is amazing and unbelievable but it’s a fact! Almost all of us constantly busy with past, future or being somewhere else.  Almost all of us are infected with this virus.
It’s a high time to realize that the most important happening in the entire universe, in the entire history, is the "THING" which is happening through you right HERE and right NOW.
Only now you can be aware of it, only now you can realize, there are no other time and no other place. Life is happening NOW!
That understanding not only changes your approach towards life but also changes life's approach to you.
