A pleasure flight on a little white plane

Hey man,
have you ever taken a pleasure flight on a little white plane?
have you ever seen your land from above?

Hey man,
have you ever felt strong tender hand of wind?
have you ever seen your land the way the birds do?

Have you ever touched the heaven?

Let it happen in a warm summer evening
or let it happen on a nice autumn day
when the young spiders travel on their shining threads.

Come on buddy, go to the local airfield
ask the pilot guy to show you the magic world.
Trust him your body. Let your soul fly and sing.

Have you ever felt spiritually free?

You will see your land same way the birds see,
you will feel deep love,
understand the harmony of being.

Let it be even only twenty minutes long,
let it be only a thousand feet high.
You will learn your life was not in vain.

Have you ever felt such a real happiness?

Then let it happen in a warm summer evening
or let it happen on a nice autumn day
when the nature is in deep reverie, perfect harmony and rest.

Hey man,
please, do not go
before taking a little adventure,

before taking a short pleasure flight
on a little white plane
just above the land you was born on.

by Pavel Nichkov
