Call me when you miss me

It’s time to go but don’t you haste
Feel every moment, breathe in every taste.
Memorize what you see, so in the cold day
You could remember this magic and fly away.

I smile and laugh, but there are tears
In my eyes, yes, may be years
Will pass when we meet again, hug and kiss
But call me anytime when you miss.

Last minutes to go and say goodbye
I’m trying to hold on and not cry,
I know we’ll see each-other sooner or late
Don’t forget me, only wait
I’ll come back when summer returns
With the big old clock’s twentieth turn.
I’ll be, and you’ll be somewhere near
Call me every time when you miss me.

No matter what time will be when you call
I’ll come immediately through winters and falls
‘Cause you own a spot deep down in my heart
You are me, and I’m your irreplaceable part.

Now I feel lonely because I must be off
Wind blows in my hair, so warm and soft.
I wave you my hand, I’ll miss you my friend
See you another summer, my fairy land!
