Eternal Battle


Verse 1

Oh life, what fucking – upset thing you are!
Sometimes I think that you are dark,
To hold the world’s weight is to hard,
I almost break down and want
To give up everything and thought
Of leaving this fucking – shit world
Visits my brain, I have got
Two little chances to continue growing old.
But ever since White N`s day,
When I’ve begun to write rap,
I now alwazen stay
A fighter, every my step
Is step to great bloody battle,
In spite of may be loosing that
I always struggle and give bats
To people’s backs, who try to make me change tha sex.
Ha! I’ve joke in this words,
But almost all’s
Respectable in White N`s words,
Listen to them, white people, cos


The battle wages over forever,
We mustn’t lose composer,
I’m a soldier, always fightn`
That’s only thing that I told ya!
I try to left the load that’s on my shoulders
And I’ll win it, or may be (damn!) lose with harm for,
But I don’t give a fuck – the battle wages over!


I know there is a difference between White N and others
Who forget they’re being the fighters,
They give up and fall on knees
In front of the circumstances,
But a take matters in my own hands,
I can do everything I wanna, else
I say: you mustn’t going to chase
Rap `cause it `s a part of modern culture,
Serious words ` bout cruel worlds
Are valued not by every, cause
They’re afraid of being popped off,
Getting robbed or being told « FUCK OFF! »
Coward rabbits dvelop habits,
They don’t believe in magics,
Feel themselves like low creatures,
But I say: we all are humans,
Our values are to fight, to think, and love the womans
Don’t give a fuck on my mistake, I’ve done it on my mind,
To make understand you: I’m kind,
Sometimes I am so proud, sometimes,
There is no doubts my rhymes
Help me to stand up against cunning bustards,
Who wanna let me down, I won’t drown,
I’m a fighter, who’s leaving in Kovrov-town,
I’m honest, I have grown,
Sorry Mama, may be one day I’ll have to travel alone
To make a road through this dirty world,
I pray to the sky and ask to help me the Lord
To being always in high and never stoppa to fight
And never act the way of people’s minds,
To improve my brilliant rhymes,
To share on problems my thoughts
And always save my pep, cos

