
2007 (!). Вообще сначала, года эдак с 2006-го, Ваш покорный слуга писал свои вирши исключительно на англесском. Сейчас читаю - многое вызывает улыбку)

Never was a soldier
Till I was have to fight
Never was a gangster
Till have to prove I’m right
I was to make a list of things
That to my mind elite needs,
Value: courage, honor,
If you motherfucker gonna
Wanna set me off,
Say that all these qualities are worthless,
B`ind corner I’ll have to pop you off,
But I never was a killer
Till have to part with all the doubts,
I’ve killed two awful habits:
To celebrate a coward and to imitate the others,
Like much of today’s heroes,
Some negroes don’t feel respect to white,
Though those who’s among `em is more proper to fight
I know things that I might
Do but to make reflect my mind
Is a difficult task, don’t ask
Me why, I know only I might,
And I’ll do it in time. Hey man I never was kind,
Until I recognized life,
I now have already found
A way not to using knife
When motherfucker scolds you,
Spew and turn away
And slowly but proudly follow your way.
You must be patient, like patients,
Who visit doctors for medicines,
When they have to wait some seconds.
Man, wait your time, whenever it’ll come,
And you will fuck him one on one,
You’ll beat the bitch, who sent you,
I’ve come through
Greediness, meanness, fucking cowardice,
That’s around me, but I never was a bitch,
`Cause I never wanted to `come rich,
My only aim was to show `em my skill,
So make `em  feel  how it’s to be reasonable.
And be able to fight against every,
You listen to me
I never was a romantic,
Till I have fallen in love,
Never was a rapper,
Till I understood life,
I express my view on it in this shit
That names «BITS OF STREET
CULTURE», it names «rap»
You see steps, tracks of Shady
On the ground, I never cry on ladies,
Cos it’s not reasonable, I’m able to
Drop bombs at halls, but I never was a singer
Till I’ve involved in rap,
Never was so big man, as how now I am,
Without violation support the conversation,
Cos it’s White N`s narration, give a fuck on freak’s reaction,
Forget the hesitations, only feel my style.
I was never rhyming,
Cause I didn’t need worrying,
But when I have to think, I was to write
To clothe my stinks in words, I’m now still white.
But I never hesitated,
When I was make a choice,
I respected everyone who was a person, force
Is personality, the life’s reality,
No more games, I`ma change
All this motherfucking world, the battle’s now waged!
I never was a person,
Till I was born and then grown,
Never was a human in real,
Till I began to read books and stoppa run
From future, cos I make it myself,
May be this rap’s good effort
From me to explain you my today’s position,
I give a fuck on your reaction,
Cause I never was cold, I’m not old
And my soul isn’t now sold,
Oh, my Lord,
I understand: I never was like others,
Cause I have got no father
But I violate, I’m rather
Happy, why? I don’t know. Make me
Wanna, girl, yet I never was a lady’s man,
But I love `em today, their` asses like jam
And lips like honey, oh homey,
I was always brave and funny
But I never was wick,
Never licked the asses of powerful bitches,
Never was a sick in computer diseases,
I never was a wizard,
Till I know: love and life are bright,
Cause that’s the only fuck reason
To make me go on the fight! 
