The spirit of history

They saw everything.
Rise and fall of the dynasties,
Intrigues and the deeds of brave;
Young lovers swearing on the top of their world - the old stone tower with the wind trembling their hair;
The crowded feasts, mandolins and flutes, happy laughter and clap of hands;
Lonely peasant watching the castle lights from the window of his wretched hut;
Young virgin dreaming of eternal love when her father makes a deal with rich neighbourly duke;
Tired landlord with the Book and a glass of newborn wine in his wood-covered cabinet;
Ten year old boy fighting with wooden swords and forseeing his future duels;
Little cat sleeping on the hot tiled roof far from the dog's barking;
Sixteen year old mother lulling the baby to enter the land of ancient magic and heroes;
The seagull seeing the semi-island which stands out of the rocks;
The morning rose woken by the song of birds from the upper branch;
The wayfarer napping under the castle wall, murmur of the forest his company;
Or perhaps the curious photographer observing the remains of ancient beauty...
